I bought this small (about 4x8") upholstery sample book for the totally bargain price of $2 to help repair a friend's chair where her cats had been a little too enthusiastic with the claw sharpening....That hasn't come about yet mostly because I couldn't find it! Finally I found this book when I unpacked some completely unrelated boxes (it was in with some of the boys' toys!?!?).

This is a shot to show how it was constructed, pretty heavy duty! I guess they have to make them pretty tough to stand up to all the fabric shoppers. Once the fabric was liberated from the cardboard and staples I had to start removing the stickers.

After filling up my fingernails with sticky gummy paper and not completely removing it anyways from the fabric, I decide to just cut off the end that has the sticker! Brilliant no? Lazy, yes?! And those little cut-off, kinda of stiff pieces of nice shiny fabric all pinked on the edges made me think....Holiday Tags!

So I cut some recycled white cardboard to size and glued them to the stickery side of the fabric sample end.

Here they are all drying. I hole punched in each corner and ran them through the ribbons on each of my fabric gift bags and they look terrific! I love how I can share my love of fabric with unsuspecting family members, bwahahaha.
An Easy peasy project, give it a try!
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