My first impulse is to disclose that I love eating weird fruits and vegetables. So, when I saw this thing labeled dragonfruit at the store, I snatched one up immediately. The checker said "oh it is so beautiful, but ummmm, you know this is going to ring up at $10, right?" Gulp, sure. I guess so. We can just eat apples from our tree this week...
So the first thing I notice is that it is about hand sized, and seems weighty for its size. The leaves (or are they petals?) look like they could suddenly open up and reveal a Seymour type of carnivorous mouth. The colors don't look real, they look more like a plastic toy fruit to my eye. The outside of the fruit smells slightly sweet.

Next I realize I don't instinctively know whether or not the entire thing is meant to be eaten! This is not a silly question! After a quick google, we have the information that you're supposed to chill, then scoop out the fleshy center, seeds and all.
Everyone in the family gathers around as I cut it in half. Ooooh, aahhh, wow! Look at the crazy color!
We each got a quarter to enjoy, some of us liked it more than others. It wasn't as exciting tasting as it was looking at it. Very subtle flavor, the texture very kiwi like. And wouldn't that be an excellent looking salad?! Dragonfruit + Kiwifruit....hmmmm.
This is what the fruit really looks like with the flash on. If you try one, let me know what you thought!

How interesting! I've never heard of it!
I'm sold! Love the color. Jodi
That's the most fuschia fuschia I have ever seen! Your right, it would be a beautiful addition to any dish.
I'm new to SPC, nice to meet you.
I have had it in Thailand, it wasn't that lovely pink though, more commonly it is white with the black speckles, and although lovely to look at as you said not hugely flavoursome!
still, should be tried for it's beauty alone! x
make a pizza using cookie dough for the crust. spread oncustard or whipped cream layer with dragon fruit and kiwi.
holey moley yummy!
I got a great deal on one once because I found it at the store and I guess they had just been put out and not priced yet, because the cashier couldn't figure out what to charge me for it and just made up a price he thought made sense - as I recall it was $3 or so. Score!! On a later trip I noticed them marked at about $10. Like you, we just had to try it, and were just as astounded by the fuscia hue of the flesh inside, and rather underwhelmed by the taste. All in all, a fun experiment with new food, though!
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