As suggested by Deb Richardson, who also has some of the cards up on her blog. **

From the James Bond series of books by Ian Fleming, James Bond as The Chariot by David Domanski. I read the whole series when I was a teenager, and frankly the movies are better. I also used to argue with my dad that Roger Moore was a better Bond than Sean Connery. But now I agree that Sean Connery really is the best. Except maybe George Lazenby who played in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", remember Diana Rigg played the *only* Mrs. Bond, so tragic. Bond was his most accesible and human in that movie.

Arthur Dent ("Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams), Four of Cups - by Susan Houghton. I loved this movie. I thought they caught the quirky Brit humour quite well. Sure they left a lot out, but it was kind of a sprawling book. Although the actor who played the prez, Zaphod Beeblebrox sounded waaaay too much like W for my comfort.

"House of Sand" by Andre Dubus III and Fog, Kathy Nicolo and Colonel Behnrani - Five of Wands - by Karen Wells. This is one of the most moving books I've ever read, I literally was sobbing crying, very powerful. The imagery on this card is really perfect. The recent movie is quite good too.

From "Anubis Gates" by Tim Powers- Professor Brendan Doyle as the Hanged Man - by Elizabeth Cherry Owen AKA eco. Now this one, I have to confess I have not read, but I know eco from some other email lists, and she's a quilty person too, so I had to include it. And now it is on my list of books to read! Which is getting longer thanks to this tarot project, how funny.

"The Subtle Knife" by Phillip Pullman, Will Parry as the Page of Swords by Me! Yes that's right, moi. "The Subtle Knife" is the middle book in a trilogy (which by the way was advertised AS a trilogy DebR, no surprise! Book is over, buy the next one to continue story which is a BIG pet peeve of ours). The trilogy of books is well represented in the deck as another artist did two of the other main characters. I think these 3 books are at the top of my best ever. Great story telling, excellent character development, multilayered story, thought-provoking and challenging to your basic beliefs.

"The Once and Future King" by T.H. White, Merlin as The Three of Coins by Ari Curyll . I really like the way she portrayed Merlin as the hawk in this card. Haven't read this book in ages, better put it back on the "read again" list.

"Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving, Owen Meany as Knight of Swords by Arnell Ardo. How funny that I just was blogging about this excellent Irving novel, and it pops up as the top card on the deck. Arnell got him just right!

"The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe, The Tower by Rob Hamilton. I love anything by Poe, and the Tower card is always one of the ones I judge a deck by, this one is great.
Ok that's enough for now, hope it all posts, and that you enjoyed seeing some more cards from this excellent deck. Thanks Reddog! For more online pics see DebR's Red Shoe Ramblings.
Am I understanding this correctly? Are these photo collages that are put together using a photo program? I like them but in playing around on photoshop, I've not figured out how to get the transparency overlays.
They are so cool, but, like Karoda, I wonder how they're made and what they're made of...
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