My new obsession...gluebooking, here is my profession page for the Book of Me that the gluemonkey group is doing.
Gulp.. Yes I Am an Artist. pshew that wasn't really so terribly hard.
If you're interested in looking at "The Book of Me" so far, I've got 13 other daily collages over at yet another location, this time at picturetrail. I swear it is getting hard to keep track of what I've got squirreled Where on the Web. Maybe there is some neato keeno software I can download to keep track (heehee).
Julie, I LOVE your "Book of Me"!!! It reminds me of the Soul Collage cards...but not.
Are you following some suggested categories/page themes or are you making them up as you go along?
Naturally since YOU are doing this, it makes me want to do one too!!! :-P
Wow!! Your book is great!! But, you are such a creative soul.....
Is this part of the call for entries Cloth, Paper, Scissors magazine did with the "book of me" theme? I attempted it then wimped out the day it was due for postmark. I'm still new at the mixed media stuff and have never submitted anything before - I think this subject became very personal for me so maybe I need something a little lighter for my first submission. OK - I'm rambling - just want to add that I love your stuff - you are an inspiration!
Sorry - coffee hasn't kicked in yet and my comment showed as anonymous. The rambler is just me! :^ )
Julie, enjoyed seeing your "Book of Me." Thanks for posting it!
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