Monday, May 29, 2023

Two Basted

 Three day weekends always get my schedule off, plus two out of three household members have been very ill this weekend (thankfully not me). Anyways, I finally got myself organized yesterday to be able to do some quilt basting today, and hey, it worked out with absolutely no safety pins required.

First up is checking out which way the backing versus the top goes.
I'm finally trying out the Quilter's Dream Orient batting I bought years ago. It's a blend of silk, bamboo, Tencel, and cotton. The hand of it is quite lovely and soft, very drape-a-ble. As this is meant to be a bed quilt that'll work out great. I hope it quilts as easily as advertised.

This one needed the spray basting treatment, using the Odif 505 and a lot of the advice from Christa Watson.
I hung up the stick-i-fied backing (sticky side out of course) and had to sit down for a bit before putting up the batting. 

Placing the top on the batting was easier, I unfolded a bit at a time and smoothed the surface with a 24"ruler.
Onto the next one, the Orange Bullseye. I used my usual batting, the Hobbs 80/20 fusible for this one. It worked out very well. 
I even did some pre-ironing up on the design wall once I got the sandwich mostly smoothed out. 

It was a bit of a workout, but then I went horizontal on the ironing board and it wasn't quite so tough. 

Two quilts are now sandwiched and ready to be quilted, hurrah!

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