Monday, May 15, 2023

Borders Have Happened


Oh borders! The decisions involved in which or whether to add border(s). Here's how Stitch Happens is looking now that I've added a border of 3" squares. All of those are the Tula Pink fabrics that were used in the main part of the quilt. I like it even more, so I guess it worked. The binding is the same purple which will work as a final visual border.

But I wanted to check. I decided to compare it to how it looked without the additional borders that I've added. This is with the first purple border. It really stops the eye and contains the central image.

And here it is without any borders at all. Gosh, it kind of looks naked or unfinished. The bottom section is part of the pattern, meant to represent the table the sewing machine sits on top of.


Jaye said...

I think the purple binding will be great. It is interesting how different it looks with all the different variations.

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

It's a great illustration of how much different border choices really matter.