Working on the Kitchen Sink Quilt and making some "bits" to fill in the blanks to eventually make an entire and hopefully somewhat cohesive quilt top out of the random blocks. The first piece I made was this yellow and pink on the top left. It happened to be the exact same size as the two star blocks, so they got sewed together. First chunk done. Feel like I'm actually on my way.
I thought this was a nice color combination that would pick up a lot of the colors in the blocks.
And the column that I made out them works really well. I added that pink/cream print along the edge of the two star blocks.
Another longer but skinnier column of greens with two solids and one print because several of the blocks have green.This color combination really works for me, it's a pale lavender and a citrus-y yellow green. It really glows. I made a 14" block out of the strips I'd sewed together.

Then I cut it into four pieces. If I was making a square block, I would have left it just like this.
And here's how it's all looking together. I took out some of the other blocks and am sticking with these 9.
I really like seeing your process. I also like that yellow-green and lavender color combination.
That yellow-green lavender color combo was definitely one of my faves. When I came up with it, I was surprised at how well it worked.
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