Thursday, May 30, 2019

Social Justice Stitching

I was lucky enough to receive another block to stitch on from the Social Justice Sewing Academy. After hearing their fabulous and very moving presentation at the SAQA conference last month, I was inspired to try doing it once again. This time I asked for just one block at a time, so hopefully I can get it done in a more timely manner. This one is going to take a lot of stitching. All those edges of all those letters. But it's about a subject that couldn't be bigger or more important right now.

As I started in on stitching, I've been listening to a lot of podcasts and news reports about this topic and have found them very enlightening. Reports on NPR,  CNN, The Atlantic, a new podcast called White Lies,  It's so far outside my personal experience, it almost seems like it's happening on another world, but it's not. It's something my fellow humans are experiencing every day, so as a person with a whole lot of unearned privilege, I need to know about it, and support people and organizations that are working to change it for the better. Over the course of my (white person's) life, I've seen a lot of change happen in American society, and even I can tell, it hasn't been nearly enough yet. Some things have gotten better, but a whole lot still remains to be worked on and changed. I believe that the more we learn and listen about both history and current events, the better our common future is going to be.

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