Monday, May 20, 2019

Consolation Shopping

What do you do after a doctor's appointment where you see the evidence of why both of your knees hurt and are so very noisy? (Oh hello there arthritis)
Well you drive yourself down the block to the LQS to drown your sorrows in all the glorious colors and patterns of course.
And proceed to eavesdrop as a random passerby (a man of course) quizzes the quilt shop's long-arm quilter. She patiently explained that yes, it's all automatic, that is once you get the quilt sandwich set up on the machine, but first someone had to make the top and the back of the quilt, and then there are thousands of patterns to choose from, and they have to be resized and placed just so and then the thread has to be chosen and so it's not really so very automatic at all now is it.


Scooquilt said...

So sorry about your knees (been there, replaced those)! But I think you chose the right initial therapy.

Must be nice to be a man and be so confident about everything.

Take care.

Jaye said...

Good therapy! Much better than drinking to excess. Boo hiss on the knees (yes, I remember you told me at lunch), but this is so common I am hoping that someone will be doing research for new treatments. Fingers crossed.