Friday, August 23, 2024

As Yet, Still Untitled


This is how things look for the Ruby+Bee challenge quilt as of the start of this morning. Nothing new sewn together, but more cut out. And the removal of the Temperature quilt from the design wall. All of those columns need to be measured and trimmed up and I don't want them up there for too long in case they stretch out and get wonky (er).
Getting to look more like the design now, the eight square that looks like a nine square.
And now I've come to the absolute end of the "light" blue I'm able to cut out.  All the rest of the remaining space is supposed to be that color. And now that I can look at the actual colors, as opposed to the much clearer and less greyed-out versions I chose to represent them in EQ8 I might want to consider switching things around. The "making visual decisions visually" advice is always always true.
And that's all of it that I have left. 😭 😭 😭 😢 😢 😿 And wow does it ever look grey instead of blue in this picture 

Guess I really should have thought about fabric amounts when I was doing the design in EQ8. Sigh. Back to the drawing board for a potential redesign while I wait for more of it to arrive. The color is Rain Cloud, and now it's making me sad that we had potential rain clouds today but no rain.

Maybe that's a possible title: Running out of Rain Cloud

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