Friday, November 04, 2022

Flower Friday - Angel Version


My Angel's Trumpet has gone a little tiny bit crazy. Those two inches of rain last month were a boon to this plant. To walk down the steps you have to do the limbo which is not exactly safe.

When you get underneath it, it's fun to look up through the tree and flowers.
I have promised to cut it back severely as soon as all the glorious blooms are gone. But for now, it's a thumbs up from me.
This blossom is aggressively trying to take over the second story deck. That's how tall this plant has grown.
A half-selfie underneath the murder bush or death tree as my DH calls it. All parts of it are very poisonous.

And then there's the pomegranate bush/tree. It's on the way to all yellow leaves and the contrast with the pomegranates that are nearly ripe is beautiful.

Another tree that will get a major trimming once it's done leaf-changing and ripening the fruits.

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