I've signed up for
The Sketchbook Project this year. Here's the blank book waiting to be filled up with something....the theme I chose from the available list was:
Below The Surface.

Like the
tag line on this promo picture says "It's like a concert tour, but with sketchbooks." And when the tour is over, all the sketchbooks will remain a part of the Brooklyn Art Library, which would be really fun to visit the next time I ever get to NYC. I hope that you live near enough to one of the locations to go and checkout the exhibit. Also, since the book doesn't come back to me, I paid extra to have them digitize it so I'll have a digital copy at least.

When you sign up you get a
Moleskine cahier with a
barcode label with your info stuck on the back. As it is going to be in a traveling display you're not supposed to have a lot of stuff sticking out, since it would likely fall off. The books are also going to end up being handled by a whole lot of people during the tour. You'll be able to hold the books in your hand and look through them, not just gaze at things mounted on the wall.

I really like this logo, with the strangely sized letters and nicely graphic clouds.
The main reason I signed up for this is because one of the tour stops is in San Francisco, so I'll be able to actually go and see it in person!
You can still
sign up and participate, I say go for it....I hope you do.
Now for the fun part, filling it up with some work!
I know I want to end up with some stitchery, and some sheer fabrics (Below The Surface being the theme and all), but haven't worked that out quite yet.
Julie, this is just so cool! Good luck! I can only imagine what you will see.....
Julie! You inspired me. I just signed up!
I got my book a couple of weeks ago and I am starting to think of ideas. I think this project is so very cool! Will be sharing on my blog too. look forward to seeing yours!
You wrote the post that I was going to write! Thanks for saving me the effort. ;-) I have the same book as you and have done nothing so far. I do have an idea and will go with it. If it doesn't work out, I can always paint over the pages and do something else.
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