Another exquisite corpse revealed! This time it is Carolyn's, and her brilliant idea was to include a piece of fabric that we were to use bits of in our design to hopefully tie the 6 squares together. I haven't seen a photo of the whole thing yet, but I think it will have helped.
Here is how her piece arrived to me, I was the first to add on to her starter square. She's got the grid nicely marked out, and a good margin all around for clues on how to join up to the existing colors and shapes. Her theme was cool purples/geometrics

Two looks at the square once it is done, one picture with flash one without. The pink bit on the left is the covering-up fabric over Carolyn's square, then a bit of margin of her work, then mine to the right.
Carolyn also mentioned that several of us put beads on our section.
But not all of us, so she plans to add some to each square to pull the whole piece together.

That's the big challenge in this project I think, having a cohesive looking whole at the end!
Nice to see another completed one! Thanks for sharing Julie!!! Love that dynamic swirl of couching.
Could you add this entry please to the EC blog????
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