Dear Husband is finally back from Japan and Korea. And brought us edible eyeball candy. Which inspired this very silly photo. At first we thought the illustration meant that the kid was crying because the eyeballs were spicy. No, they weren't, just sweet. So, then we figured out, that he or she is crying because one of his or her eyeballs has gone missing somehow.

He also brought me this beautiful little 4" plate which is called a chokin. Oooh shiny,pretty.
It has two cranes flying in front of the sacred Mt. Fuji.
According to the back the image is created by etching pure copper and then gilding it with silver and gold. The engravings were originally created to decorate the armament of the samurai warriors. This art form was handed down for over eight hundred years. It is in front of my computer screen so I can be a Samurai Computer Warrior...You better watch out for me now.
The plate is lovely, so sweet and shiny! And they eyeballs are awesome! The next pic make sure each one with an eyeball on their tongue has one eye closed - get it? Ewwww!
It lookes like your husband brought back the perfect treat for the kids - ick!
And he also did a great job picking a present out for you - the plate is beautiful!
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