Back from a weekend at PIQF (Pacific International Quilt Festival)in Santa Clara, California. The show was even bigger than last year, and I was thrilled with how many innovative, and interesting quilts there were. I had four quilts there, one in the regular show, and three in special exhibits. For the first time ever, I saw someone taking a picture of MY quilt. What a big thrill that was, wow. It wasn't someone I knew or anything, a complete stranger taking a picture for themselves, of my work. Cool. I hope that doesn't sound strange, but it really was a big deal for me.
The 8th Deadly Sin exhibit was really powerful, most of those quilts need to be seen at more than one venue, they had so much content, delivered in such diverse forms. I was proud to be part of it.

California Fiber Artists had our first show at a Mancuso Brothers event, and exhibit called "In The Abstract". Here is the big sign with Susan Else's work next to it. It was a nice coincidence that several of us had black,red, and white quilts, they look good together.

Here is how my "Tarot: Five of Wands" looked.

The "Myths and Legends" exhibit was much bigger than I'd expected. It was kind of spread out and not all in one place. But it was fun to see all the quilts that I'd enjoyed online, in person. Here is my "Mystery of Sheela-na-Gig" looked against the white curtains.

I didn't get a picture of "Tarot #11: Justice" hanging in the regular show. Oops.
There was another conference going on right next door to the quilt show, you'll never guess what it was....The Bay Area UFO Meeting. There were really, truly, I'mnotkiddingyou people wearing tin foil hats. These adorable girls who were attending the quilt show (they're in some sort of junior national guard military school) were spoofing the UFO'ers with their version of the tinfoil hats. They thought I was hilarious to want to take their picture. I gave them some sage advice, speaking as an older person (ahem)"Keep Being Silly, your whole life. It will keep you young!" One cool thing I picked up as I passed by the UFO conference was the "Declaration of Human Sovereignty", which is actually interesting, you can go read it here.

How wonderful a feeling to see total strangers moved by your work!! Awesome! Congrats! (I am secretly jealous of your proximity to the UFO convention thingy as well- how fun!)
At first glance, I thought those foil hats were QA tiaras.
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