Months ago a bead store opened up in the next town over from me. Now that I'm driving one kid to junior high, I pass by it every day, so temptation was growing to drop in and visit. I'm so surprised that it is still in business, several businesses have come and gone really quickly in this little building, so I rationalized that I
need to support a local business. I'm on a hunt for a nice turquoise cabochon to make a necklace for myself. It is a teeny little building between the feed store and a cafe, but there are tons of beads crammed in, nicely displayed, in two rooms. It fit the several customers who were browsing and the owner's very enthusiastic friend was manning the cash register. A nice feeling place, and it sounds like they've been successful so far. The prices weren't bad either, so now I have a good store to spend my bead money in (and save all the internet shipping charges!). Ben Lomond Bead Nook is a good place that I hope stays in business.

Some of the purchases, two glow in the dark skull beads, two hands, silver wire and misc. beads to match the green turquoise cabochon.

I made these earrings for Samhain/Halloween. They are nice and dangly and sparkly. Unfortunately I lost one on Saturday when we went to see the Wallace and Gromit movie :( Guess I'll have to go buy another glow-in-the-dark skull bead...

I didn't get this locally, but on my trip to England, bought in one of the many nice little witchy/pagany stores in Glastonbury. She is Sheela-na-Gig, and I plan to make a prayer necklace with her (aka Goddess Rosary). I'd been looking for a pendant with her on it for a long time, and there she was. Still deciding on which beads or gemstones to use in the construction.
I learned about the Goddess Rosary idea from my friend and teacher Lunaea, and she sells hers
here. I am really pleased with the one I bought from her(You can see it on the Sold page,
Brigid's Protection.)
I absolutely love those hands! how can I get some???
me to! they are amazing! can I ask how much they were? can I do a swap with you for something from downunder? or can I pay you to send them to me! they are sooooo cute!
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