Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wandering Wednesday - West Cliff Drive


Last weekend was DS's 29th birthday so we took him out to an awesome sushi dinner in Santa Cruz. He suggested a walk along West Cliff Drive. Even though it was close to sunset, we snagged a parking spot near one of the lovely curbside plantings. This is a Hooker's Evening Primrose, which I keep meaning to plant in our garden.
The late sunset was so soft and lovely, I really love the pastels in this picture.
A seagull had her nest way out on the point with the best view.
There were still a bunch of surfers out there catching the last waves of the day.
A little more sunset with one of the shoreline coves.
We made it as far as the lighthouse, which doubles as a surfing museum.
The birthday boy! 

1 comment:

Jaye said...

OMG!! 29?!? Already? Give our best. Lovely way to spend a birthday!