Friday, June 07, 2024

Super Sew


BAMQ's Super Sew Day (that's two days in a row) began last Friday in Palo Alto, and I was so glad that I was actually feeling up to attending. I really made myself taket it easy walking in from the parking lot with all my stuff. Even making two trips instead of over burdening myself to only struggle/walk the distance just one time. I'm trying hard to not overdo it and make dumb mistakes just because I'm excited to get out and do something. 

The first project I worked on was pin-basting the Community Giving quilt top. Thankfully there was a cute cotton print for me to use for the backing so that I didn't have to use the kind-of-plastic-y fabric that was included in the bundle. I had several other people confirm my feelings on that one before I swapped it out. I got most of the quilting done on this cute quilt on Friday. Once I got started, I ended up getting a good amount done along with the most socializing I've done in a month. Such great people to hang out with and to be inspired by their projects. Then coming back in the next day on Saturday, I got right down to finishing off the very last of the quilting to get it off of my to-do list. 

My next project was working on a new section for my YES coat. This is called Afghani piecing in Rachel D. K. Clark's booklet, "Picture This" Techniques for Wearable Art and Quilts. (She's teaching next month at PIQF). The written instructions are a bit spare, but the illustrations were clear enough that I got the hang of it. It took me a while, but I think it turned out pretty well and was worth the effort.

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