Here are some of the pages (I'll share more over the next couple days) that I completed. Of course I sent it in on the last day possible, and of course the power was out when I was going to scan the pages. So I had to go outside and photograph this on my table on the deck, so sorry for the background.
A lot of the pages are not very "sketchy" at all, but instead multi-media/collage/fiber/journal-ish/etc.
Are you surprised?
Nope, me either.
This page has plastic sushi grass, words from magazines and origami paper.
I continued the lines on the scrap of fabric and liked how it filled the page. Do you happen to recognize this fabric?
A study in white textures, coffee sleeve, white wool felt, white cotton and iridescent fibers.
A leftover piece from Shiva Paintiks fabric surrounded by fortune cookie fortunes.
I sewed the zipper onto the fabric first before the fabric was glued onto the page.
See there is always something hidden if you take the time to look.
Sometimes you just have to draw what is in front of you even if it is just a burned out light bulb.
Yes, this collage was done right before the Giants won the World Series. Ribbon scraps, fabric, raffle coupon, parking stub from Giants parking lot, tissue paper.
Recognize your spinning wheel Bron? This sketch was done during a CQFA "between-meetings-meeting" at Bron's beautiful house. She had this great spinning wheel on her hearth that I sketched and later did the watercolors.
Candy wrappers, tissue paper, words, numbers and pictures from the phone book.

You did such a great job on your sketchbook.
Thanks Jaye! We're going to go see the SF exhibit in June right?
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