We've started off with forty 10"squares of purples that we had in our vast fabric collections (so far only a few doubles have appeared!).
Then we swap them around and put three decreasingly smaller circles on them.
At the end we slash them up into four pieces, keep two out of the four, and each other participant gets one of the pieces of each block. Then we each play with the blocks and come up with something fabulous. Really fun to do. Great to collaborate with friends, see what fabrics they have that you don't, and to make something you wouldn't be able to otherwise!
This is my Seeing Red:
We decided to cut the blocks up into triangles, which made for some really fun setting possibilities.
And here is the only picture I could find of Feeling Blue (sorry about that lamp and chair in the way! Sheesh I need to photograph this one officially. Here you can see that we did squares instead of circles. I liked it, but it was a very different feel than the circular bullseye design...

this is a wonderful collaboration idea! May have to see if I can find a small group of friends to play with :-)
Sounds like a great way to get together with a group of friends and make beautiful quilts. A bullseye has been on my list of quilts to make for a long time.
Wow, these are gorgeous, Julie! LOVE the colors!
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