Tacubaya is a great restaurant, here is the cool ceiling, and I loved all the different intense colours painted on the walls. Very vivid. Huevos divorciadas was my meal, yum, a red sauce on one side and a fresh green tomatillo sauce over the over easy eggs and yummy fresh made corn tortillas.

Don't kristen and Jaye look great against the pink wall? I didn't get a picture of kristen's adorable daughter or Jaye's adorable son who also joined us. They were too busy drawing and getting impromptu art lessons from Pamela.

Oh, look, I'm in the picture now. Thanks to W for taking this picture, good job~

And then here is Pamela. We all look good in pink! Pretty in Pink even....

At The Ark toystore we found a display of Fun Meals, and Pamela scooped up many boxes, hoping to find a lobster dinner. After frantically opening them and enjoying the sushi, desserts and other foods, no lobster love . These goodies are really going to look great on quilts Pamela!

The inside of the fabulous package reveals, a teeny tiny mexican dinner, complete with Corona Beer!

Then we crossed the street to the Crate & Barrel Outlet, where after some digging in the remnant bin I found some Marimekko scraps, as well as some cool cocktail napkins (look for them appearing in a quilt near you), and some placemats. I'm working out how to use the placemats in a sculpture, more on that later!

I bought these three fabrics at New Pieces, the one on the left is Japanese ikat in a strange orange and green combo.

At Black Cat Quilts I found these four fat quarters. The one on the right looks like a blurry city streetscape. I also found these cool triskele frog closures.

Phew, that was a lot of fun and a lot of shopping. I'm still recovering three days later!
It is so fun to get together with people you know well online, and continue the virtual conversations complete with body language, facial expressions, and voice tone. A whole 'nother level to communicating, that is for sure.
1 comment:
so, apparently this is how out of it i was - just focused on the fabulous company - i didn't even notice that the walls were pink! d'oh!
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