This is how
Vero's Exquisite Corpse looked when it arrived. So, as you can see, I had my choice of the two remaining squares. The four other completed ones were pretty thick and interesting feeling.

Her theme was fairies, so I started pulling some materials to use for a fairy to be hiding in. Some lace, wool, flowers and sequin waste were the first things that fell out into my hands.

I drew/inked a fairy face with Tsunienko and then played around with placement of the supporting pieces.

The colors on my fairy were too intense and not blending enough with the rest of the piece, so I got some green tuelle net out.

The leaf shapes were freehand cut out of several steam-a-seamed fabrics. The trick was heating them up without destroying the other materials.

I played around with several silk flowers I had on hand and the sunflower-ish one worked out best, plus it had some great green leaves. I free motion quilted all over and then beaded the center of the flower.
This photo shows the small hints of hand stich outlines of leaves on the un-hidden margin of Vero's square, so I tried to echo those with my machine quilting right next to and overlapping.

Here's a no flash version which shows more of the detail, just in a very strange color scheme.
You can go see more pictures on the whole
exquisite corpse thing.
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