A door in Port Townsend

A pump from Vikingsholm in Lake Tahoe.
With a zillion layers and some words that say: I Was Full In The Past
A nut holding up our deck at home.
Looks like a quilt design to me!
My hand on the river beach in Boulder Creek.
HomeDepot plus J.R. Bob Dobbs was too hilarious to pass up taking a picture, remember Church of the SubGenius from the 80's?
I found that totally random pictures off my cell phone can end up making an interesting collage (at least to me!). I think it is because the pictures I take with my cell phone are kind of like ripping out images from magazines that I like, so they go together in my brain somehow. Anyways I like how this one turned out, a lot. And yes that's an x-ray of my hip in there, hope it doesn't weird you out.
So will I use Photoshop Elements for the quilting or mixed-media art that I do? I would say yes, if anything for design inspiration, for a new way to collage, and also for things to print out on fabric to include in quilts. There are a whole lot of possibilities...
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