A background of a Dover wrapping paper of historic designs. Several artichokes along the right edge. And then three quotes that had to do with vegetables printed out on vellum.
"Let My words, Like Vegetables, Be Tender and Sweet, For Tomorrow I May Have to Eat Them" - Author Unknown

"Did You Ever Stop To Taste A Carrot? Not Just Eat It, But Taste It? You Can't Tast The Beauty And Energy Of The Earth In A Twinkie" - Astrid Alauda

"Life Is Like Eating Artichokes, You Have Got To Go Through So Much To Get So Little." - Thomas Aloysius Dorgan

I cut the hand and arm out so she could be grasping the bunch of carrots. I thought her expression looked slightly exasperated like "Man, why did I plant SO many carrots this year?"
That was a fun project to participate in, I'm really looking forward to seeing what my book looks like when it is returned to me.
I really like these books. Have you thought of having a craft day and holding people's hands while they make these? I would come, which probably doesn't surprise you. ;-)
I love it!!! Especially the artichokes, because I never get them anymore (DH won't go near them).
A thoroughly delightful piece, and fun too!
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