Mother's Day this year was kind of weird. My husband wasn't feeling well, getting a very rare for him cold, so he didn't do the usual corralling and orchestrating of the day. So I got to have a quiet breakfast I made myself, which was just fine by me.

Alex was busy for quite a while with his door closed and the sewing machine going, so I figured he was making me something.

Hey I was right. Instead of a
Squabster(tm), I got an
M. I love the tag that he made for it and sewed into the seam. He's getting really good at just making stuff, I'm glad that he isn't getting stuck and letting himself just be creative, screw perfection!

We made the usual pilgrimage to the plant sale at our local CSA farm, Camp Joy. I was so enthralled with the plants (as usual), that I handed the camera to Zach and said take pictures. So these are all his. Gosh that is nice to be able to do. He really loves taking pictures, and it is nice to be able now to trust that the camera will survive, and there will be good photos to look at.

The unibrow look here cracked us all up when we saw this picture large on the computer screen. It is a just a lock of his hair, Alex doesn't really have a unibrow (Pshew!).

This is me checking out the honey table, they had a lot of different varieties, but they weren't from Camp Joy, and we already have a honey jar almost full, so I didn't get one.

This is a great view of the glass greenhouse where they start all the seedlings.

There are a lot of random places to sit down, which is good when you are doing garden/farm chores out in the sun.

The bees were very happy and busy.

We got there kind of late, on the last day, so there were many holes in the offerings. But we got plenty of plants, which I still need to actually plant in the actual ground in the actual garden. That's a whole other story though, believe me.
After Camp Joy we went over to see my parents and took them out to see the excellent movie
Earth. If you haven't seen it, go. It is inspiring and beautiful and moving. Yes, the narrative is a bit clunky and manipulative of your emotions, but that is easy enough to ignore with all the eye candy. If you've seen the BBC series Planet Earth, you'll recognize a lot of the movie. But it was super to see it up on the big screen.

Zach was so excited to score a helmet from Grandpa. I told him this picture should be his first album cover. We've been saying that a lot lately, (no pressure! Heehee). He is hoping to get a Vespa scooter at some point in the near future, so now he is prepared with a helmet at least. Now just to get the $$, oh and the license, and insurance, and the parental permission...

We popped into the grocery store to get some goodies for an early dinner and I took this spy shot. I think this is one of my favorite pictures of late. It captures something about my family that I can't quite put my finger on. And I love the orange in the foreground and on my husband, and the arrangement and expression of my boys.
All in all a pretty near perfect Mother's Day.
Creative Children, Beautiful Plants, Fabulous Parents, Family Together, Cool Movie.
alex did a great job with the gift - love the label.
and Zach looks pretty handsome with the helmet
:-D eirdre
Nice M!
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