First I started with some silk that had been flower-pounded a long while ago and pulled some likely supporting fabrics. I didn't want to quilt this silk, I wanted the light to come through because it shows up the details so much better. My idea was to have fabric around the silk so that the heavier fabrics would hold the weight of the piece.Oh and by the way, give the flower pounding a try, it is super easy and fun, as well as quite cathartic!

I then took a yellow hand-dye and folded it in half, sewing a silk piece to either side.

Next I cut two strips of a purple print and folded them in half, with the raw ends meeting inside the fold. After lots of pinning those are both sewn on the long sides.

This is how it looks so far against the window. I obviously am not worrying about straight lines, wanting a more organic looking shape to go with the natural looking flower-pounded blobs on the silk.
Lastly I took a green/purple hand-dye and an orange-yellow hand-dye for either end to finish it off. Both folded in half and stitched onto the silk ends, then up the sides, stopping at 3/4" from the top or bottom so that a hanging rod can be inserted.
Hi Julie..
Thuse of the flower pounded silks for a window banner is ingenious.. any other use would have been a waste!!
That looks so cool! I think I'll make something like that for my windows. I can't wait to see what kind of journal you come up with for me!!!!
Holly (your journal partner from Create a Connection)
amazingwoman1 at gmail.com
HI! I'm doing the CaC journal swap with you! and I believe I buy one for you!! will you please email me with your snail mail address and also tell me a little bit about yourself... and what kind of journal you prefer. Lined/unlined? Hard bound/spiral bound. etc. My email address is the name of my blog at the HOT mail address!!! ;-)
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