Look! Rust-free hollyhocks this year! Wow! How did that happen? Thanks to my Grandma Zaccone for the seeds years ago, the gift that keeps on giving.
And now on to Poetry Thursday which asks us to consider posting a poem in our authentic voice.
Here's mine:
True Voice
by Julie Zaccone Stiller
I am more than one voice
From more than one experience
Playing fast & loose with what is "true"
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Well, so is truth
All is relative to everything else
says I with my own filters,
frame of reference,
and P.O.V.
When I say it is true
It is to me
But the final truth
is to remember yet again
that it ain't necessarily so for you
Nice poem...so we at least construct part of our authentic self..
nicely done, julie.
your hollyhocks are lovely. i'm hoping mine look like that next year. this year is their first year. mom gave me the seeds and told me to let the kids just throw them to the winds :)
(trying again...blogger's being lame.)
Aaahh, Julie, that's a wise and wonderful poem.
Your hollyhocks look great! They're such pretty flowers, but I've never had a bit of luck growing them.
hey..thanks for sharing this lovely poem!
I avoided this topic because what I wanted to say was something along the lines of your poem! So thanks for sharing it and putting words where I couldn't quite find them.
I like your take on the subject. I wrote 'Women Ain't Normal' about one of those 'truths' that is more closely point of view.
your poem reminds me of something my partner likes to say "your freedom ends where my nose begins". the picture of the hollyhocks is inspiring.
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