Hey Hey! Happy New Year!

Here is how we look now, my family and I. See how short I look now? Funny how things change in just a few years isn't it? My husband said he tilted his head so that you couldn't tell that our oldest is now actually taller than him, pretty sneaky, huh? This is the picture we're using as our card this year, which I suppose I shall be sending out as a New Year's greeting card now.
Did you chose your word for the new year yet? I like to do it at random, putting the slips of paper into a bowl and chosing one. Last year's word was "Blessedness" and this year's word is Physicality. Well that will be an interesting emphasis and change for me. Hmmmm, wonder how that will affect my art making?

Ah, you beat me to it! I got a couple of shots of the moon in the dark of morning and wanted to color one....got ost doing *something* yesterday and it didn't happen. But I did notice a kind of reddish edge on the moon itself---will have to look at it again to make sure I wasn't hallucinating!
Have a wonderful 2010---I am sooooo glad 2009 is gone!
Happy New Year! I'm glad you're back and hope your hand continues to heal. Great shots of the moon!
Love the picture of your family. I cannot believe how big the boys are. I know I sounds like a broken record, but I used to know them when they were tiny. Remember the Mud Boys?
You also have the word of the year firmly implanted in my mind. I think I may not be able to avoid it this year as I have in the past. It just came to me; I didn't have to do the bowl.
Physicality: hhmm. Stretching is what comes to mind when I see and think about that word.
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