There is a short poem entitled "Madrigal" in the lower right. And a small word that says "Songs" on the upper left. The poem and word are from a small volume of poetry that I bought for a quarter at the used store (that's what we call a thrift store or op shop), it looks like it was probably a 1950's schoolkid's poetry book, and has quite a range of works in it Shakespeare on up to Frost. I find that I use it frequently in collage and journalling. It wasn't in the best shape when I bought it, all marked up in many spots, but most of it is useable. When a book is kinda trashed already, it makes it easier to tear it up and use/misuse parts of it! Plus I like that the paper is kind of yellowy, which probably means bad things re: acidity, oh well. I don't think this type of collage work is meant to stick around very long.
That is a lovely page Julie.
susan in spokane
I can almost hear the singing!
:-D eirdre
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