My friend J, gave me these very fun creative packs and rubber stamps from

The creative packs have cool papers, words to cut out and use as well as some fibers and beads that coordinate.

This is a journal page spread that I did where I used two of the words "Promising" and "cultivate" as well as some of the graphic border things too. Thanks J! It is so fun to get a gift that is instantly useable.
I love the card you made for me out of those stamps and think I may have to buy some for myself despite the fact that most of my stamps lay languishing in one of the forgotten drawers? Have I told you how much I love your journal? You may want to hide it when I come to visit. < BEG >
Darn, they don't have the ones I gave you anymore. More stuff for you to hide from me. Perhaps I shouldn't take to thievery and we should just have an art day some day?
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