Anyways! I made a cover for the futon that my son is keeping in his room as a flopping couch. It used to be his mattress, but now he has a real one from Sleep Number (quite pricey, but he sleeps much better now). He chose the fabrics from the great cheap fabric.com website, arranging them on the comparison page they have. I have just enough left over pieces to make some pillows to go with. He really is into blue these days, and these fabrics go very nicely in his blue-walled room. And then we are working on converting a queen sized couch/bed frame we no longer use, down to a twin size that will fit the mattress and his room. He's rather excited about chopping up furniture!! Something about using a chainsaw possibly...

And finally, I've got a coat in process for the challenge/contest on my QuiltMav friend Diane Harmon-Hoog's business Quilter's Threads. It is the Baltimore Coat from Purrfection, I'm making it in a brown lightweight ultra-suede type fabric, it is shiny and smooth on the wrong side, so it will be unlined. I don't really need a super warm long coat here in California. The contrast is the same fabric, but in green, my plan is to machine embroider before assembling the coat.. The race is on to see if I can finish it by Sunday!
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