Dealing with the savage attack of our neighbor dog on my dearest Zelda the Wonderdog. She is healing up now. But it wasn't/ isn't pretty and neither was all the self-inflicted drama and angst. pshew! Very hard to recover from!
Oh and Wow is this ever addictive: Blogger Play it shows the photos being uploaded in Blogger, real time, just streaming by, really gives a picture of the worldwide usage of Blogger. Cool!
I just leave it up and glance at it every now and then, and bam, you're around the world in Israel, or Chile or Japan or Alaska, etc...

Hmmm, buying more patterns! Guess I ought to make up some of these, right? I think I'm reaching critical mass on the pattern stash. One is for cool pincushions (thought they'd make good gifts). And yet another skirt pattern, called the Taos Skirt, it has really cool options for the hemline that I'd never thought of, or seen before.... Both from Diane Ericson's ReVisions.

Taking Alex to his first TaeKwanDo lesson. He's so excited that he broke a board with his bare hand his first day. He is absolutely focused and fierce during class. Having a big brother who is bulking up due to the physicality of football practice requires some self defense skills...
Watching my son Zach at freshman football games. This is our first away game at St. Ignatius up in San Francisco on Saturday. This is a great sport for him because he is so fast (he ran track last year), needs something really active to keep him focused on school, and a good way to make new friends at high school. Also, he is the third tallest on the team, but he is kinda skinny compared to a lot of the other guys on defense, so he's learning how to play mentally first, technique is so important when you don't have the body mass to just blunder around.
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