An all-jellyfish edition for you today. From last Sunday's excursion to the dependably fabulous
Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Note: Please excuse any missing "t's" as my t-key is not always working.

These have what looks like teeny neon lights running up and down the long sections. They move really quickly so they are harder to get a clear photo.

This doesn't look like a particularly organized animal does it? Reminds me of egg drop soup. I do however love the composition of this photo with the long curved strands off to the side. This could easily be extrapolated into a good art quilt that doesn't necessarily scream "JELLYFISH". There are just soooo many jellyfish quilts, it seems like the subject has been done almost to the point of overdone. Does the world need one more jellyfish quilt? Probably not. But that isn't how I make decisions on what to work on. And anyways, I don't think I've seen one done of this particular type. And since it doesn't look like a prototypical jellyfish (like the first photo in the post), I could see myself doing one.

So unreal and delicate and beautiful.

This series of four photos show the same group of jellies as they pulse open and closed, in and out, to move through the water.




I really like the way the lighting at the aquarium shows off these jellies. This composition is also effective to my eye, all the different curves, the way the space is divided up, the different angles made by the trailing tails.

I took this picture because it looked like they were really tangled up (more than usual) for good.

But no, they were fine after all.
Then my family had to drag me away from the jellyfish display area to the rest of the aquarium. I could just skip the rest of the fish really and just hang out with the jellyfish.
They are such amazing creatures; like looking at something from a Sci-Fi writers imagination!
I remember occasionally they would wash up on the beacj near the Presidio---with father warning NOT to touch them...! :)
I love the jelly fish. Mesmerizing!!
I think a day standing in front of the jellyfish, just watching them, maybe with a cup of tea to sip, would do me good today. Sigh.
I love it there, it's been too long!
Thanks for the Monterey Aquarium photos. I love it there and it gave me a brain break from the grey skies of New England.
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