Friday, January 11, 2008

Deck Flowers

Here are some festive holiday flowers outside on my deck. The tartan used to be our tree skirt for the Christmas tree, but it still smelled of "cat" from last year no matter how many times I washed it is now an outdoor table decoration, which still looked nice even through the pounding rain. It is great during the dark season to be able to look outside and see something so bright and cheery.

Originally I bought these primroses and cyclamens to have indoors as a floral display. But then I realized they would be happier outside and I would be happy to see them blooming out my window. I jammed them all into one pot and they seem pretty happy together so far.

I never got around to getting a poinsettia or a rosemary tree this year, just still too crowded in the house. I also never made a greens wreath for the front door, maybe I'll still do that since it smells so good, as I use bay,redwood, rosemary and lavender from my garden.
So many undone things. But that is ok. Doing what I do is enough. It has to be.

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