I pulled out a couple of fabrics from my upholstery stash, but they weren't quite right somehow. The floral was too floral, especially since the chair the ottoman will go with is on my husband's side of the bed. Plus the background was too white, the chair is more grey. And as my brilliant husband pointed out, white is kinda silly since his feet and shoes aren't 100% guaranteed to be clean. The plaid wasn't quite the right purplish that I needed either.

I ended up finding a piece of fabric that I liked at Goodwill (on another trip), and used the legs of my husbands old Dockers for the backing underneath. All in all, it cost me $11, and I think it matches the chair (seen behind the ottoman) very well.
What do you think? Does it count as a wardrobe refashion? Since I only thrifted and used old clothing to boot?
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