It is done! Now presenting.... "Kona Dream Cycle" Made especially for the Kona Coffee Cultural Festival Quilt Contest. It is 40" x 40", and all fabrics are hand-dyed or painted by moi. If it gets in, then we're going to Kailua-Kona again.

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That's some steamin' hot coffee there, please use caution, do not spill in your lap, the management shall not be paying damages!

I loved seeing your progress from design to quilt. Were the inks fun to work with? And how did you do the steam? Tulle or ???
Very nice!
Great quilt! Love to see process, thanks for sharing! Jen
Mmmmm, I'm drinking a cuppa right now! I love the shades of blue and green and the steam from the coffee is very cool.
I ADORE this quilt! Quite fabulous!
Oh, this has to get in!
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