Sunday, October 13, 2024

Friendship Star


I'm making a practice Friendship Star block for another project, and I thought I'd use some of the blue and yellow and green fabrics I'd pulled for the Sunflower blocks for the Wrap the World in Quilts Ukraine Project. These means making a bunch of HST's, I'm using the 2-at-time method, so out comes the marking tool and an erasable pen.
I had to cut them all down to size, ao I used the mini rotating mat that I have and it really helped speed things up.
That's a lot of trimming! But now they're all the right size (4.5") so hopefully the block will go together easily.
I laid out the blocks to check out the placement of the colors.
A view of all the seams on the back, pressed open.
There it is! Another 12.5" block done.

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