Soooo what have I been doing instead? Well, besides the sketching I showed earlier, I've been collage happy in my sketchbook. Which is easy to do on the limited flat surfaces in the studio that are still available to actually be worked on.

This first one is called True Art. Which happens to be the name of a local tattoo studio, the logo was removed from the phone book that I use as a glue application surface as I do collage. I've always admired that logo, and was happy to find a good place to use it. The Up n' Atom Chai is a label from the local tea company that makes this chai I buy at the health food grocery store. Oh man does it ever smell good when you drive by the place where they mix and package this stuff. This version of chai is so peppery and sweet and yummy, my absolute favorite.

This one is called: Brains/Responsibilities. Some pen work and colored pencil, magazine photos and tissue paper.
1 comment:
Very nice!
I like both for completely different reasons:
The first being the lovely colors and mix of images, and yes, with knowing the "True Art" came from a tattoo ad makes it even more entrancing. It, in some vague way, reminds me of the old "curiosity" catalogs that were geared for Hoo-Doo. (I vaguely remember the ads for these but they always entranced me.)
The second piece is more cerebral and thought provoking with an interesting balance of monotone and limited color, which works very nicely. Also, there is a certain depth to it, I suppose do to the juxtaposition of the DaVinci drawing and the monkey.
Good work! The creativity is brewing!!!
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