Our house, under construction on November 18th. Sorry about the finger in the shot, but I was taking this at the absolute wrong time of the morning!

Here are the rooms framed in, in the addition, it is all sealed up now to the outside elements.

We have to climb a ladder now to get up into the addition. Here is Alex encouraging me up the ladder. He knows I have a ladder phobia.

Spike the teenager cat, checking out the hole for the laundry chute. I may be carrying laundry upstairs, but not downstairs anymore!

Here you can see the old part of the house, that window is the upstairs bathroom window, and then the new beams and roof and vents. Kind of neat to see it all together.

Here is my former studio, soon to be the master bathroom. I don't know who this master is, I hope he will share the new bathroom with us...

Back down the hatch we go.

Oh my goodness, here it is today, looks like a whole house once more!
it is a lovely house julie. and a laundry shoot! i'm jealous... but if only the shoot added detergent and selected the wash cycle... hmmmm
That Alex is such a HAM! Of course because it's Thanksgiving - I should change that to ALEX THE TURKEY!
Looks like you are on a roll - now that it is closed to the elements - you can feel the excitement! So what will your new studio be like?
How exciting to watch the progression! And what a handsome young turkey you have!
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