So I started thinking about how I store all of my thread, there's several methods that I use. I mostly divide them up by type of thread material. I store the bigger thread cones on this wooden wall rack. I love how this looks and it is very handy, but the cones do get dusty on the top and I do worry about the light fading them since a lot of them are rayon. I guess I could fashion some sort of clear dust cover that might help and attach it at the top.
Here's one of the two jumbled-up plastic drawers of thread, this one holds all the cotton or polyester thread spools. It never behaves no matter how many times I sort it. So many different shapes and sizes of spools, impossible to organize. And probably too many in here too.
The Sulky box of rayons is getting less crowded as I use up all the little spools. I haven't bought new Sulky in quite a while now, not sure why? Out of fashion or maybe I've just been in using-up mode. The lid on this plastic box is discoloring with age now, but the threads still seem okay. Although those metallics are still so finicky to stitch with. This is a bad use of this box though because the Sulky spools don't fit standing up on the pegs, they're a smidge too tall. But I really do like seeing the colors of the threads, when I look in the box, it's easier to find the one I want to use.
Obviously, I have plenty, probably too much thread already, it's the plague of too-much, first-world problems, right? When I look at it like this all in one place, I find that there's a historical, almost journal-ish quality to many of the threads in my collection, they mark different stages I've gone through in my quilting journey. So many techniques tried out, learned, dabbled with, discarded, a few mastered, and a lot of them have required very specific threads. Thus the variety. Spice of life even when it comes to threads apparently.
- What is the solution for thread storage?
- Is there one when there's so much variance in sizes and shapes of spools?
- I want to have light/dust protection and still be able to see the colors when I'm in thread-selection mode, maybe I have to invent something for myself?
- What system of thread storage have you found works best for you?
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