Monday, March 03, 2025

Almost to the Center


Sew Day for BAMQ was on Saturday and it was as usual a very fun time. I invited my mom to come along and she had a good time seeing all the creativity, showing off the sweatshirt jacket that I made for her ages ago and chatting with people. She was also very glad to offload a big bag of oranges from her still excellent after all these years orange tree. I was glad to be able to include her in a social outing with friendly welcoming people.

Instead of bringing along my sewing machine I worked on the Kawandii quilt that I've been hand-stitching and assembling since 2021 when I took a great online class with Sujata Shah. The above picture was taken at the start of the day before I began stitching.

And this is the after picture, pinned up on the design wall at home. It looks so different flat (or as flat as this can be.)  A lot of progress was made, I can see that I stitched around the whole thing six times, but it's still not done. The rounds are getting shorter as I get closer to the end. As I've made my way almost in to the center I have to find the instructions on how to end everything.  I think I'm remembering that there was something specific I was supposed to do, so wish me luck in finding my class notes from four years ago.

I also took this picture of a super clever 3-D printed magnetic needle cup that one of our new members had. It's from Purple Hobbies, they have a lot of other handy quilting/sewing accessories.  This is a great idea for a portable pin cushion that works well as a pin container and secures your pins in transport, which is always a problem. 

I was showing off the latest and greatest new container that has come off of my DH's 3-D printer, a Knurled Screw-on lidded container. It has a great threaded cap that works perfectly and makes a very tight seal. Possibly water-tight although I haven't tested it. Now we're in search for a good magnet and some foam to put in the bottom of it so I can have a safer traveling pincushion.

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