Thursday, January 19, 2012

Collage Practice In The Dark

 For my birthday way back in the start of December I decided to start a collage a day practice.  And I was stubborn enough to actually do it even though the power was out due to a massive windstorm. As my motto goes "Do It Anyways"
 I used my new visual journal, which is a spiral sketchbook thing with bristol paper, nice and heavy and takes watercolor and glue really well.

 First collage done via candlelight, no flash.
 First collage with flash.  The presss here circle is heat sensitive mood ring stuff.
Words are: "DISCOVER the mysterious.  NO RIGHT NOW"

December 2nd collage.  Power was still out, this is a photo taking via headlamp which was how I was working.  Safer than candles, and brighter too.

Ancient's Eyes Are Always Open

1 comment:

Jaye said...

I am so glad you are doing a daily practice. Perhaps you can use the Creative Prompt project for some of your days? ;-)

Love the dots in the collage with 'press here' on it. Great job!