Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wandering Wednesday - Mother's Day

It was time to make a custom Mother's Day card for my wonderful mom. She loves green so I picked a green deckle edge blank card and first did some colored pencil.

Then I expanded it with watercolor pencil and crayon (Inktense blocks).
It all flowed out and combined pretty nicely. Here's Mom Mountain.
DH chose the goodies for the meal, all sourced at Costco. I didn't go in and supervise as I'm not walking around quite that much yet. He splurged on some American Wagyu hamburger and got fancy buns. That and some teriyaki chicken and salad made a really excellent dinner. DS helped a lot which was great because my Mom would actually sit down. 
I had told DH to grab something dessert-y and boy did he deliver! My Mom was So Excited about the chocolate covered strawberries. She said she'd never had one and had only seen them in magazines. So that was very cool to give her that experience. They were really really good. A great strawberry with a good chocolate that tasted like chocolate instead of wax. I took this picture because I liked the imprint of the seedy exterior of the strawberry on the chocolate shell.
The very nice patio where we had our early dinner. My mom's container flowers are exploding with color this year. 
And she really liked her Giants t-shirt too.
The rest of the Mother's Day crew. What a great day it was. My DD was going to join us, but her sinus infection got a lot worse and she was worried about passing it onto the grandparents. A nice long phonecall with her was a great gift.

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