Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Friday Night Lights


Friday Night Lights-Aurora version! No editing (except for the built-in cell phone camera editing). My phone has an automatic night camera setting, which is a 3 second exposure. We could see the color slightly with our own eyes, it was really different than the usual look of the sky on a clear night. When I saw this color in this first picture,  I almost burst into tears. I've never ever thought I'd get to see the Northern Lights. And just getting this little bit of it here at home, was overwhelming and so cool.

Over the next couple hours I kept going back out on the deck to take more pictures and was so excited to see how much the color changed. 

I like this one with the yellow-ish light on the trim of the roofline.

It really went through a cycle of different purples and magenta almost fuchsia. (I can never ever spell fuchsia right the first time!)

Deep magenta! And it was finally time for me to go to sleep at 1am. So I missed whatever came next. Unfortunately the next two nights we got nothing down here, so I'm super pleased that it was so clear out on Friday night. 
Now I really want to go to Norway even more to see the Northern Lights without the aid of a camera.

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