Saturday, December 10, 2022

Even More Printing


In a big push yesterday, I think I've finished off the printing I'm going to be doing for now. It's a lot of set-up and then clean-up of course, but it sort of takes over and then I can't sew or do anything else.
But wow, did I ever have fun as you can see. Combining colors and using the same set of stamps the whole way through.
This one might be my favorite.
Some of my fabric paint is on its way out, not as juicy as it should be, and the heater came on which is directly overhead of my worktable, so this plate got really dried out before I could even pull the print. I think this one would have been my fave if it had worked.
As you can see it did not. I added some over the bottom and I do like the look of that.
Wait, this one is probably my favorite. I guess I don't really have to pick just one.
I quite like the range of colors I ended up with, it's going to be very usable.
The worktable after the tools have been removed to the sink for cleaning. 
The very pleased printer after cleaning up, new glasses and my Mrs. T's apron (and a bad rosacea flareup for my eyes, yikes that's not trendy red eye makeup).


Jaye said...

I love the picture of you. You look great and the rosacea isn't noticeable at all.

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

Thanks! I'm glad the rosacea isn't noticeable, I'm finding that I actually miss wearing eye makeup which surprised me.

Jaye said...

Sorority girl at heart!