Monday, January 24, 2022

Birds And Star Challenge

 The Electric Quilt blog Do You EQ has a block spotlight challenge to design a quilt using a certain block in the EQ block library. This time it was a block called Birds and Star, which is a great eight-pointed star block with lots and lots of triangles. I liked doing this exercise just for the practice of it. It's fun to see all the other versions people come up with too.

Filing this under the category of "Never To Be Made"


Jaye said...

Fabulous border! I was going to suggest that you get the Split Recs ruler to make it. Since you are never going to make the quilt, don't bother. LOL!!

It is a great border that maybe you could use on something else. Very creative!

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

It's one of the borders in EQ8 that you can choose, I'm always drawn to it for some reason. So much movement I think. I do have the Split Recs ruler (haven't used it though)