Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Wedge Quilt Class

 My Studio Assistant and I took a BAMQ class from Christina Camelli about making wedge quilts. He was mesmerized watching people in the class sewing on the iPad screen. 

He was very helpful in making sure I mixed up the color choices as I went to end up with some random variety.
Before the class, I bought a non-slip 9° ruler, which was super helpful when used along with the template provided by Christina. I decided to use fabrics that I wasn't super invested in for the work done in class, just to try out the techniques and not be worried about "wasting" precious fabrics.
I also bought her book on the topic, Wedge Quilt Workshop, which is a great how-to on this type of quilting.  I bought the actual book instead of the kindle version because I wasn't clear on whether the templates were included.
Note to self: My next wedge project will be using this dotted ombre´ fabric.

After getting the wedges cut out, it was all about assembling them in sections and then trimming to make sure the unit measures 45°. How exciting to get to use the 45° lines on my cutting mat for the first time.
And then when two units are joined up, the result measures 90°. This helps to make a full 360° circle that hopefully lays flat.

I'm almost done with the circle, and then the fun comes in getting the appliqué of the circle to the background done.


Jaye said...

You could use a Clammy to cut a background circle, then sew the wedge piece inside it. Depends on the size of the Clammy you have. I have a 12" you can borrow.

Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

That's a great idea, I'll see if my Clammy will work or not.