Monday, October 16, 2023

Very Brief PIQF

I only took a few pictures of a small part of the exhibits at PIQF during a break from the all-day class that I took on Saturday. Unfortunately I didn't get back to see the whole show, so please enjoy these. 

Above is a beautiful Therese May quilt called "Fractured Cat". I really love seeing how her style has changed and evolved over the years but is still recognizably hers. The matchstick quilting was really a great addition to this quilt.
"Modern Meet Manx" by Laura McHugh is a great quilt utilizing pieced blocks in a configuration I've never seen but is super effective visually. 
Hey, here's my quilt, "Lone Round Robin", a little bit rumpled from the journey.
I nearly squealed aloud when I saw this quilt hanging nearby mine, I just love these circles! Christi Sutphen's "The News is Causing Me to See Spots!'. Couldn't agree more with the sentiment.
Here's a bit of closeup of the corner. Great use of word fabrics.
I love these pieced shapes together with the embroidered vines/flowers. Mostly I was attracted to the soft yet vibrant hand dyed rainbow fabrics. The quilting is pretty terrific too. 
This quilt is called "Spinning Spools" made by Frankie Hey and quilted by Beth Handy. Here's a detail of the border so you can see the great appliqué and quilting.
This one is so great, the design is interesting,  balanced and lovely, but those colors are so beautiful and vibrant. 
This detail of "Finding Harmony" by Andrea Barrett shows off the well-thought out quilting design and the clever pieced-in circles.

More on the class that I took tomorrow.

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