Monday, July 15, 2019

Q3 Finish-A-Long

Here's my list of ten (count them, ten!) proposed finishes for the third quarter of 2019 for the Finish-A-Long.

1. When the Weekend Whatever comes back from the quilter it will need the binding sewn down and a label.
 2.Slurpee Squared needs hand-stitching on the added edges, facings, a sleeve and label.
 3. Another 2005 blast-from-the-past, is the Celestial Round Robin. It needs to be basted, quilted, binding and label.
 4. May You Ever Return - This one is the least put together on this list, but I want to have it done in time for the Rosalie Dace class in September.
5. Body Double needs the edges finished in some way that hasn't been determined, and then a sleeve and label.

6. Technology's Spine - needs some hand stitching, binding, sleeve and label.

7. The quilt I'm making for the Sister Artists (that is due in August) that will feature this embroidered piece.
 8. Color Collusion - finish quilting, bind, sleeve, label.
9. Shenzhen Skies -  finish quilting, bind, sleeve, label.

10. A shirt of some kind made out of this fabric.


Lisa in Port Hope said...

You can do it *cheering*

Sew Much For Free Time said...

Ooooooh! There's soo much goodness here! Those tunic are really cute. Might need to look those up! Good luck with your finishes!