Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Section Ten

 Onto one of the bigger sections of the quilt, Section 10. This lands right below the now-joined together chunk of Section 1 & 2.

Going from left to right within the section I'm working on while also keeping track of the strips continuity from the section up above is the challenge. I am trying to check each time before I sew...

It looks so much more organized (and hopefully intentional!) once the strips start to get sewn together.
The next four strips to sew together.
And then those two groups sewn together.
Onto the next sub-section.
To finish this off I had to figure out which block to put above the blue bordered pinwheel there on the left hand side. I didn't 't have one that was the right size, and had noted a question about this block in the instruction booklet. This is one of the places where it gets less clear in the pattern. I just ended up adding framing to a square in a square block to make it the right size. 
The rest of the section on the right is mostly together. 
A few more partial seams and lot of strip sewing and just the two final seams are left.
I pushed through and got it all together, 3 sections are now joined. It worked and it looks good, I really like it. I then started sorting out the actual placement of the next section of blocks and will add in the background strips in as I cut them.

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